31 Mai 2015

Holidays in Japan // Giveaway for you ♡

Hello lovelies,

some of you might know it already but I cannot say it enough:
I am going to Japan!~
Well, it is just for 2 weeks and there are still more than 2 months between me and my journey but I am so excited :D Like so excited I started planning my outfits in December when we fixed our flights XD
I am traveling with Yaya and another friend of us and some days later more friends of us will join us! We are located near Harajuku, so direct to our  hotspot to be. We already got some awesome tipps what we must do there:
I guess these 10 things are clear to do :D Number 2 and 10 will be  our daily routine xD
Also nearly everything from this pic is on our To-do-list :)
I am so much looking forward to seeing the Shibuya Crossing, taking pictures there, going shopping in Shibuya 109 and at Tokyu Hands (Shop for crfting materials) 
We definitely want to go to Akihabara but do not want to do all of it on this list^^ We want to see a Maid Cafe even though I think it is awkward somehow xD And I want to have a lot of  gachapons! They are so much cuter than our toys or figurines you get from chewing gum machines or out of the Kinder Surprise.

Since I asked you to tell me which Giveaway theme you like the most I thought about the poll outcome. There was not that much participation so I am doing it different:
I am giving away a parcel full of stuff from Japan you like and you can tell me what you prefer!
a Rafflecopter giveaway ~ The Giveaway is hosted by me as a private person.
~ It starts tomorrow 1st of June and ends 31st of July 2015!
~ This Giveaway is open worldwide!
~ The Giveaway widget will draw the winner randomly!
~ 'The chosen one' will be contacted by me to talk about likes and dislikes and possible themes about the surprise parcel!

If there are any questions just ask them in the comments or send me an email or a Facebook message!
I hope you all participate and I am happy to surprise the winner of it with a lot of little things and sweets he or she likes or loves:)


P.S.: In on of the next posts I show you how big the parcel will be ;)

33 Kommentare:

  1. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  2. Which theme do you want? Pastel Goth :D
    What would you like to see in your surprise parcel? :) Matcha Kitkat? Wäre zu mindestens etwas, dass ich jeden mitnehmen lasse ^^

    Add your email adress here to be sure I can contact you! jdistel(@)gmail.com

    PS: Bei Rafflecopter stimmt dein Instagram-Link nicht ^^

    1. Danke fürs Bescheid geben!
      Rafflecopter nimmt keine Unterstriche, daher funktionierts nicht :(

  3. Ich bin mir gerade nicht sicher, ob und für was ich gestimmt habe, aber ich kann mich eh nicht so recht entscheiden, da ich alle 3, also Lolita, Pastel goth und kawaii Stuff liebe! Ich würde mich über wirklich vieles freuen! Vor allem natürlich über Sachen, die man hier nicht so leicht bekommt (einige Süßigkeiten bekommt man zB in Düsseldorf oder auch einige Merchandisesachen :) also ein Paar Sachen, die mir spontan einfallen die ich mag: Korilakkuma, Alpacasso, Ghiblikram, ich würde mich auch über ein hübsches Lolita (Sweet oder Goth) oder eben Pastelgoth freuen und über Süßigkeiten, vor allem mit Matcha :D
    Meine Mail ist: leeri(at)gmx.net
    Ich finde die Idee mit dem Giveaway voll toll und ich wünsche dir ganz ganz viel Spaß in Japan! Bring viele schöne Eindrücke mit und zeig danach ganz viele Fotos und berichte ganz viel :)

  4. Hi!
    Thank you for the giveaway ~_~
    I would love to be Fairy Kei since I follow that style.
    I would like to see, pastel cute things, like 80s pastel cute accessories or anything XD.

  5. Lolita und kawaii wäre eine tolle Mischung.

    Ich liebe Gloomy und Hanyo usagi.
    Schwarz und rot sind meine Lieblingsfarben.
    Ich liebe Fledermäuse und alles mit großen Augen und niedlichem Blick.

    Ich lasse es lieber freier, damit du mehr Auswahl hast;)


  6. Ich wünsch dir so viel Spaß, jetzt schon mal! Vorfreude ist die beste Freude, sagt man ja :D

    Ob ich bei deiner Umfrage abgestimmt habe weiß ich gar nicht mehr. Aber am meisten könnt ich wohl mit was mit Lolitabezug anfangen, generell würd ich mich über so vieles freuen. Was ich ganz toll fände, wäre eine Postkarte geschickt zu bekommen. Und ein bisschen Touri-Kram. Aus anderen Ländern ist das zwar oft unnütz und hässlich, aber ich denk aus Japan kann man dann doch süße Sachen mitbringen.
    Der einzige Wunsch, den man mir wohl nicht erfüllen könnte wäre Sushi.. da ist mitbringen wohl eher ungünstig xD

  7. Ahh I'm so jealous, I want to go to Japan again. If you want to go to a less awkward maid café (I have been to quite a few), I recommend Cure Maid cafe in Akihabara. It's more old-fashioned victorian style rather than sexy and the maids don't flirt with you (or talk to you at all really). The food is really good too. I wrote about it here: http://www.cutetravels.com/2013/10/cure-maid-cafe-traditional-victorian.html

  8. Oh, wie schön. Ich wünsche Dir ganz viel Spaß in Japan. :)

    Liebste Grüße,
    Lisa von Ash Blonde

  9. So much things to do in Japan! > ω <
    I wish I can win, I love pastel goth and kawaii style as well.
    And I would love to see kawaii plushie for surprise, and I also a fan of gachapons so..
    But anything kawaii is good _ cause that's what surprise is. Thank you. ♡('∀' ჱ)

    BLOG | Button Exchange

  10. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

    1. your so lucky you get to go to japan !!^^have lots of fun!:D and thank you for the giveaway! the one i would choose is kawaii just cause its so cute of course lol i love plushies so much c:
      thank you again!

    2. Kawaii style package :3
      I don't mind what's inside, just as long as they're kawaii or anime swag ^·^

  11. I want kawaii style package .
    I would love to see kawaii clothes , chocolates etc
    email : billano_kawaii@yahoo.com

  12. I love a kawaii style package. I love clothes and lip balm.

    email: cctdmt@gmail.com

  13. i would love to be Fairy Kei :)


  14. I love surprises!

    Theme: Pastel Goth
    Surprise Package: Stationery esp. pens, tote bags, hair accessories
    Email: yumihamano@gmail.com

  15. I would love kawaii Stuff In General.
    Stuff I'm expecting: I don't mind anything tho. But I would love something like items from shibuya 109 or something like Shingeki No Kyojin tees, those gachapons <3. But yeah, I really don't mind anything you choose.
    email- ciciayong@gmail.com

  16. I do love kawaii style package >u< it does seem cute. For stuff, I do love kawaii accessories, kawaii clothes and also kitkat chocolates kkkkk~ but anything I get later, I won't mind. Can't wait for being a winner

    Good luck wif your trip! Have a great time there and don't forget to share the moments you'll have there with us by this blog.

    email: vikayulian@yahoo.co.id

  17. Hi,
    I like cute pinky kawaii theme :3
    In the package, I hope to receive cute stuff but if anything else, I don't mind :D
    Email: alice.nguyn@gmail.com
    Love :x

  18. Thank you very much <3
    I do really fancy Kawai items :)
    Fingers crossed ^__^

  19. I like Lolita or kawaii theme :)
    Like: flowers, classic, cute
    Dislike: hello kitty

  20. I like the lolita theme :) I don't like pastel colours (I like only pastel green, mint ? XD ) and I don't like Rilakkuma & hello kitty things XD

  21. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  22. I like the kawaii , but lolita is great too!

  23. Theme: Pastel Goth (kind of punkish pastel goth)
    Like: Bats, purple in all shades, coffins, melting drip, mint, halloween.
    Dislike: Spiders, hot pink, to much glitter, too sweet smells.

  24. Cool give away!
    Kawaii theme :3
    I like kawaii accessories/clothes/stuff and maybe some Attack on Titan merch/other anime mercy.

  25. This is such a great giveaway. I would love some pastel goodies, maybe some chocolates, comics, makeup things that we can't get here or kawaii stationary.

  26. I love kawaii theme.Something anime related like of one piece would be cool too!

  27. I wouldn't know what to pick there's probably so many fun things in japan. Kawaii is always fun though and you'll have quite the selection!! My email is ayoung3360 (at) gmail (dot) com I hope your trip is amazing and I can't wait to read some blog posts about the trip!!

  28. I'd love any theme you chose.They are all so cute!

  29. lolita theme
    surprise is surprise

