21 August 2015

Giveaway time for me - Can you smell the colour?

Hello lovelies,

I was lucky in July and won the Giveaway from Julia´s Blog Can you smell the colour? :D She made it because her Blog is now 5 years old and a lot of people including me liked the necklace she made all herself :)
So I show you what was in my package:
I got a lovely note from Julia written in german, some mini Tic-Tacs in funny flavours I did not have before and the necklace!
Here is the close-up of the slough of her own snake inside the small bottle:
It looks really awesome! I took it with me to Japan but sadly it fell to pieces while the flight..I hope I can fix it and get some cool outfit pics with this unique and handmade accessory!
That is my second Giveaway I won in 2015 o.O It is weird for me to have this much luck in one year beside the Giveaways I won but I just have to accept it, right? ;D
Anyway Julia is an awesome blogger girl from Austria who got some pet snakes, a little make-up obsession and photography. If you like these things too please follow her - it is worth it :)
Thank you!


3 Kommentare:

  1. Hey,
    Was ist denn kaputt gegangen? D: Vielleicht kann ichs auch richten oder so Oo

    Danke auf alle Fälle für die lieben Worte ^^

    1. Der Anhänger geht ständig von der Kette runter und wenn das mal passt, rutscht das halbdurchsichtige Band raus..ich werde das abschneiden und den Anhänger nochmal draufklipsen :) Also das kann ich auch alleine lösen :)
      Außerdem glaube ich, dass das wirklich vom Fliegen kommt^^

    2. Oki, aber wenns nicht zum reparieren geht, sag Bescheid ^^
