14 Oktober 2015

Japan Holiday 2015: Day 6 (Ai Akizuki's birthday party)

Hello lovelies,

as stated in my last post thanks to Duplica we were invited to Ai Akizuki´s birthday party! It was like a teaparty where everyone had to pay a little service charge and everyone got free food and drinks therefor. It was so awesome the room was air-conditioned because the heat outside was really exhausting!
Yaya and me made some streetsnaps before we left the appartment:
Headdress: handmade // Bolero: vintage // JSK: Lady Sloth // Shoes: Deichmann // Bag: Innocent World

All in all I was pretty satisfied with my look. It was still too hot for me but at least we only had to walk there and then stayed in the whole teaparty^^
Detail shots:
The wind was ruining my hairstyle - yay-.-
My beloved Grimoire necklace I bought in Paris last year was a stable piece I definitely wanted to take to Japan with me ^.^

This was Team Austria at the birthday teaparty:
Lea, me, Jasmin, Duplica and Yaya
The punch was really delicious and refreshing! Something you just really need on such a hot summer day!
The buffet was really comprehensive! All kinds of cakes and sweets were there and every single one looked so beautiful! Nearly to beautiful to eat ;D

After the food we saw a video from people congratulating Ai for her birthday. I really enjoyed the birthday party a lot even though it was hard to follow since the most was in japanese. But lovely Ai helped us out since she knows english very well :)
Thank you for letting us join, Ai!
I am interrupting here my Japan posts since the Teaparty is this weekend :3
So stay tuned for some Metamorphose Teaparty posts!


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