14 September 2015

Japan Holiday 2015: Alice in Wonderland Café Shinjuku

Hello lovelies,

it is a little bit stressy at work so I had no time posting anything - sorry for that! But moving on at my list there is the Alice Cafe in Shinjuku! We nearly got lost but a cute couple showed us the way to get there:3
Tokyo at nigth is just awesome *Q*
We finally found the building and had to go several floors downstairs until we reached the door to wonderland:
The book opened automatically when you stood on the white and blue doormat. In the glass cabinet beneath you could see all dishes in plastic form.
Every guest can choose a headdress which he or she wears during the stay in here. I chose black rabbit ears as you can see on the first pic^.^ This book was the menu from where we chose our food and drinks:
I got me a rose flavoured cocktail and this lovely chocolate brownie with vanilla ice-cream - a classics but I love the look of it with its decorations!
It also was really delicious and I liked the atmosphere because it was really awesome furnished but I did not like the time limit we had . . of course you need one in a theme cafe but it was not as relaxing as if we would not have it. You know what I am trying to say?  XD
It was a nice stay but I would rather visit a other theme cafe a second time than this one^^

Next post is about our shopping day in Shibuya 109 :3
Stay tuned!


5 Kommentare:

  1. Nett! :) Als ich vor 5 Jahren in Japan war, gab es noch ein anderes "Alice im Wunderland-Café" in Ginza, allerdings weiß ich nicht ob das noch existiert. Dort sah auch alles extrem niedlich aus und es gab sogar einen Tisch, der in einer Teetasse drinnen war! Ach, ich vermisse solche Themencafés einfach :)

    1. In Ginza soll es auch noch eines geben, vielleicht ist es eh das wo du warst :)
      Themencafés sind schon toll, würden aber, glaub ich zumindest, in Österreich nicht so viele Anhänger finden^^

  2. It had a time limit? Theme cafes have time limits? I did not know this! How long? Please tell us more! Ohdearmilk ✧・゜*

    1. I guess all have a 1 to 2 hours limit since they are packed nearly all the time :)
