02 März 2017

Japan Holiday 2016: Harajuku, Kawaii Monster Cafe

Hello lovelies,
and I am back again. I feel really ad to write this every single post I am doing . .well, here is a bit more about the day 4 we spent in Harajuku. The pic above is from the Moshi Moshi Box designed by Sebastian Masuda who also is the founder of the Kawaii Monster Cafe.
While shopping in Harajuku I looked for a nice bomber jacket with japanese embroidery to bring home as a souvenir for me. I found these derpy ones instead xD The blue one is okay but I still do not like the tigers and the black one is even worse..
I also found some nice Pokémon savings boxes! But I fear I would break them when I transported them in my suitcase so I did not buy one.
For lunch we went to a typical japanese restaurant where we had some delicious fried chicken with rice and cabbage. I already knew this place from my last holiday and it was still great.
In the evening we went to see the Kawaii Monster Cafe where I also was last year. The location is still the same but the menu was a plain card one, not like last year.
I got some fries with herbs and interesting dips which did not taste like what they looked like xD 
I also had the chance to see a show of the 'monsters'! This time Candy and Nasty were here and danced on the turning cake and motivated us to do the dance with them.
As dessert I shared a quarter of a 'Color Poison Cake'. The piece war smaller than we expected but it looked really fancy and its taste was okay.
A friend of mine opted for the 'cat food ice cream'. It was only described as vanilla ice-cream and we all looked forward to see it. It was served in a plastic bowl and looked like dry food for cats just more colourful xD It felt so weird eating it!

Thank you for stopping by!


1 Kommentar:

  1. I've heard the food is not the best on Kawaii Monster Cafe, but I think the place it's worth of a visit at least once in the life. The cat food one is awesome!!
