21 Januar 2016

Outfit: A little party never killed nobody ~ ♪

Hello lovelies,

recently a friend of mine and her boyfriend celebrated their birthday together! It was a big masquerade party with loads of people and its theme was 'Movies and series'. My bf and I were planning what to wear in the beginning of the month: Jedi and Sith or Death Eaters?
Sadly Alan Rickman died shortly before the party so we saw it as a sign and we opted for the Death Eaters and ordered 2 fancy wands and the dark mark tattoo to have our costume on point. His death was really a shock for me. He was a wonderful actor not only in the Harry Potter movies but he was an awesome Severus Snape!
The wands arrived just the next week after we needed them . .
Lea, the birthday girl of the day, made this awesome TARDIS cake! It was really delicious and looked just amazing o.o I have to say I am now more motivated to watch Doctor Who xD
Cardigan: Killstar // Shirt: Hot Topic // Necklace: Six// Leggings: Killstar (not visible)

Thankfully I had a lot of stuff already at home :3 It was hard to take a proper pic of the dark mark but I like this pic!
It is sad I did not get a full body shot but I count this outfit as my first weekly outfit, so look out for the tag 'Weekly Outfit' to see more outfits of me soon :)

I hope you like it and thank you for reading!


6 Kommentare:

  1. der Kuchen sieht wirklich genial aus ♥ da kann ich gut verstehen das der zum Doctor Who gucken verleitet. Doctor Who ist aber auch ne Serie, die man entweder liebt oder hasst. Meine Mom gehört zu letzteren, während mein Freund und ich total davon begeistert sind (bei ihm stehen inzwischen zig Doctor Who Sachen in der Wohnung :D).

    1. Na dann bin ich mal gespannt! Ich muss der Hype ist irgendwie an mir vorbei gegangen und ich hab mich anfangs gar nicht ausgekannt um was es geht xD

  2. Sounds like an awesome party and omg the cake! o_O
    Who can make such a thing..woooah! I want to taste it. x)

    ~ Frillycakes ~

  3. Wow, der Kuchen O____O

    Ging mir auch so bei Alan Rickmann...das war und ist wirklich traurig..schön, dass ihr euch dann für das "Kostüm" entschieden habt...<3

  4. Cool costumes!
    I know right, Alan Rickman's death was such a shock. He was my favourite actor and I cried so much and somehow couldn't stop crying through most of the day/night :(
